Eric TaylorMay 16, 2020Novice to Expert: The top 5 roles every Nurse Practitioner must master on their journeyIn order to be the best nurse practitioner (NP) that you can be one must attain all the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to...
Eric TaylorDec 4, 2019How to talk to your doctor: Top 8 questions to ask at your next medical visitWhen we go to buy a new device, appliance, or vehicle, we typically have a list of questions that we must get answered before closing the...
Eric TaylorNov 19, 2019Routine Preventive MAN-tenanceRoutine preventive vehicle maintenance is a lot like going in for a dental checkup where going in late is better than not going in at...
Eric TaylorMar 5, 2019Dying To Live: Top 10 places men visit more frequently than the doctorYoung boys are taught at a very early age to be tough, suck it up, and show little emotion or weakness. It is these learned behaviors...
Eric TaylorAug 16, 2018Delivering a Healthier TomorrowI’ve been a Registered Nurse for 22 years and for the past 11 years, I’ve had the honor and pleasure of caring for patients from all...